so my cousin's band is called Tickle Me Pink. they're just starting to hit it big, and they're actually really good. i know almost all the songs by heart, each and every word, on their album, and i am just in love with that band.
you may have heard of the band the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. they are my latest band obsession. I only have like 6 of their songs, but i LOVE all of them. They're rock, not too heavy but not too soft. Right in the middle. They have just a hint of screamo, but hats ok cuz they pull it off. anyway, i love the band. ive been obsessed with their song False Pretense for like two weeks now.
So today i was looking on TMPs website to see when theyd be in Maryland so we cud go see them. It turns out that they're touring with RJA!!!!!! i screamed when i found out. so i think to myself, theres no way im missing this concert. But they're not coming to maryland. i have to convince my parents to go to the one in Ohio in a week and a half. They don't understand how obsessed i am with this now. holy crap i wanna see thsi concert sooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!
~MC signing out <3
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